Best Practices

Best Practices We Follow at Control F5

We pride ourselves on our commitment to best practices, ensuring that every project we undertake is a success. Here’s an insight into the core best practices that define our approach:

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Project Planning and Requirements Gathering

At the heart of every successful project lies a solid foundation.

Our Software Requirements Document (SRD) structure serves as the blueprint for each new project.

We meticulously gather and document client requirements to ensure a clear understanding of

project scope, objectives, and .

We then provide accurate estimations based on this thorough groundwork, setting realistic timelines and milestones.

Code Quality

We employ a combination of powerful tools and rigorous processes to ensure clean, efficient, and error-free code. Tools like GrumPHP, PHPStan, and ESLint help us enforce coding standards and catch issues early.
Our code review process promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members, resulting in robust and maintainable code.
Furthermore, all our code is written in English.


We leverage tools like Swagger to create API documentation for each project, facilitating integration and understanding for both developers and clients.

Additionally, we create create solution architecture documentation to outline the technical landscape of each project.

Redundancy in Team Members and Talent

We understand the value of building a resilient team. We do cross-training initiatives ensure that team members possess diverse skills, reducing dependencies on individual expertise. Distributed ownership of critical components prevents single points of failure, and remote work capabilities enable our team to collaborate effectively, regardless of geographical constraints.

Infrastructure Redundancy

The reliability of our technical infrastructure is a cornerstone of our operations.

Our approach includes load balancing to distribute traffic, robust backup and disaster recovery strategies, failover systems for uninterrupted service, and scalable solutions that adapt to changing demands.

Agile and Iterative Development

Agile methodology is at the heart of our development process. We embrace ceremonies like the Daily Standup Meeting, Grooming Sessions, Demo Session, and Sprint Planning to maintain a fluid and adaptive development cycle. This approach fosters collaboration, rapid feedback, and continuous improvement, enabling us to deliver high-quality results efficiently.

Version Control and Collaboration Tools

Version control is integral to our development process, and we rely on Git for efficient code management.
Collaboration tools like Slack, JIRA or Asana, and Confluence or Notion facilitate seamless communication among team members and ensure transparency with our clients. These tools enhance coordination, streamline workflows, and provide a centralized hub for project-related discussions and updates.

Deployment and Changelog

With a focus on maintaining distinct production, staging, and development environments, we ensure that every piece of code undergoes rigorous testing before reaching its final destination. This encompasses thorough evaluation in the development environment, client engagement in the staging environment for feature validation, and the ultimate deployment of thoroughly tested features in the production environment.
We use Jira automations in order to streamline the management of deployments and builds, and to orchestrate a seamless transition between these environments.
To enhance communication and transparency, we document project evolution through a dedicated changelog that notes every feature, fix, or update. With each release, we package our software with a corresponding version in the changelog.

Let’s Build Something