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For 10 years we have been focusing on dedicated solutions for our clients.

We are specialised in developing any kind of web applications for different industries.

We develop both native applications for iOS and Android and also using cross-platforms.

Find the features needed for a first release, in order to be validated and adopted by the market.

We do user research, create scenarios and flows, draw wireframes and finally create the product high fidelity design.

Improve speed, agility and quality of software the development process.

Manual and automated testing using different tools and libraries in order to ensure software quality.

About us
We work together as a solid team, focused on results

After years of working with startups or established companies we have a clear understanding of how to organise and run a qualified and experienced team in order to effectively deliver a tailored software product.

years of experience
projects delivered
industry sectors
Stefan Iorgulescu - CEO & Founder - Ctrlf5
Stefan Iorgulescu
CEO & Founder
Vlad Moise - COO - Ctrlf5
Vlad Moise
Our clients
Trusted by Companies and Startups
Our work
Case Studies

We have helped 20+ companies in industries like Finance, Transportation, Health, Tourism, Events, Education, Sports.

What Our Clients Say

How we work
The Process

A tested process for any product. Our main goal is to maximize the customer’s return on investment (ROI) by creating working software quickly and responding to changing requirements

01 Make the

We understand the product requirements and the pains that your product needs to solve. We write specifications and estimate your project.

02 Develop
and test

This is the part where we write and test code to implement your product based on the features and the documentation resulted in the previous step.

03 Maintain

Your product is now alive and kicking. You want to adjust some features or add new ones. Or maybe you want support on using specific modules of your product.

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What services do you offer?

We specialize in web and mobile application development, MVP development, UI/UX design, DevOps, and software testing.

What technologies do you work with?

Backend: PHP, Laravel, Laravel Nova, NodeJS, Express JS, WordPress; Frontend: Vue, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS; Mobile: Flutter, Swift, Cordova, Java; Databases: MySQL, PostreSQL, Redis, DynamoDB; Cloud & CI / CD: AWS, Digital Ocean, Github, Bitbucket, GitLab, Laravel Forge; UX/UI Tools: Figma, Adobe XD. Detailed information can be found here:

What industries do you cater to?

 Since we can build custom tailored solutions, we can serve various industries. We already have a lot of expertise in the financial, transportation, travel, hospitality and medical industries.

How do you ensure quality in our services?

Through rigorous software testing and quality assurance processes. We provide manual testing services and automated testing for the projects that are a good fit for those.

Do you offer customized solutions?

Yes, we provide bespoke solutions based on client needs.

Can you assist with MVP development?

 Yes, we specialize in developing Minimum Viable Products. More than half of our current customers have started their products with us and have succeeded in entering the market.

Can you work with tight deadlines?

 Yes, we accommodate tight deadlines, though it may affect pricing due to rapid team assembly needs.

Are you flexible in working with client resources?

 Yes, we integrate client resources like developers, project managers, testers and designers into our projects.

Can clients participate in the development process?

   We encourage client involvement to ensure project alignment with their needs.

Do you differentiate pricing for short-term and long-term projects?

   We offer flexible pricing models for all projects, focusing on potential long-term collaboration. 

Do you offer maintenance and support services?

 All of our clients have chosen to remain in a support and maintenance relationship with us after their MVP was launched or after we have developed their missing functionalities for their product.

How can potential clients get an estimate for their project?

Clients can contact us directly to discuss their project and receive an estimate:

How do you handle changes or updates during a project?

    We quickly adapt to changes and incorporate client feedback.

How do you handle communication with clients?

We maintain open, regular communication through various channels, depending on what our clients prefer. We can maintain communication via phone calls, online meetings, slack or any other instant messaging applications.

How do you handle project confidentiality?

We ensure confidentiality and data security throughout the project lifecycle. We usually sign an NDA right after our initial meeting.

How do you set prices for your services?

Our pricing is based on the initial analysis of user stories, understanding what roles will be needed for the project, technologies used, team member seniority, and project timeframe. Detailed information can be found here

What is your approach to project management?

   We follow Agile methodologies, adapting to client requirements.

What is your approach to UI/UX design?

 We focus on creating intuitive, user-friendly designs.

What is your client feedback mechanism?

 Clients can provide feedback at any time through their chosen chanel of communication – phone calls, online meetings, slack or any other instant messaging applications.

What is your typical project timeline?

Timelines vary based on project complexity and client requirements. They can vary from just one month to be across multiple years.

Let’s Build Something