Online Road Tax Payment Platform

The National Union of Road Hauliers from Romania (UNTRR) collaborated with us to revamp their legacy road tax payment platform. The project involved developing a modern web and mobile application using PHP, JavaScript, and the Vue JS framework, integrating various services under one robust system, and providing features such as online tax issuance and payment, vehicle fleet management, and partner API integration. We employed an Agile methodology for development and maintenance, ensuring a responsive and user-friendly interface for hauliers to manage road taxes efficiently.
Project Type
Web & Mobile Application
Main technology
Collaboration type
Develop & Maintain
People involved
Hours worked


National Union of Road Hauliers from Romania

UNTRR is an organisation – professional and employers, non-governmental, independent, apolitical – founded in 1990 on democratic principles, promoting and defending the interests of road transport domestically and internationally.


Old platform with legacy code and a lot of new features required by their customers.

The old platform was having performance, design and usability issues that needed to be improved and also a significant backlog with new features that needed to be developed.

Being written during many years and by a series of different developers, on a deprecated framework, the volume of time and effort needed to develop new features was significantly large.

Also, being a service used by hauliers always on the road, there was a need for a mobile application.

Last, but not least, the company had two different services on two different domains, that needed to be merged under one robust application.

UNTRR was looking for a long term collaboration with a software company to outsource development effort to add new features.


Create a new and modern version of the platform including existing services and adding new features for their customers.


Web Application (SPA)

Built 100% on Vue JS framework and with a responsive design, the frontend application offers customers a friendly and easy to use interface to issue and pay Road Tax and Toll Tax.

General Components
General Components

Backoffice solution

This is a secured zone from where the team behind the platform can see and manage the orders, customers and also view different complex reports about product performance.

Mobile Application

Because many of the end customers are most likely on the road, an application for Android and iOS was a must. So we created an app with the same features available on the web version, but in this way the customer is always at a tap distance to pay the road tax.


API for partners

Having many partners who resell this service, we had to implement and document a modern REST API to serve different applications that use the platform services.

Specific Functionalities
Easy and fast online road and bridge tax issuing

You just select your vehicle, choose the tax type and pay. Or simply put Order -> Pay -> Drive.

Check validity of RO-vignettes

Find out if you have a valid RO-vignette and avoid the fines.

Save your own data and import motor vehicle fleet

Create an account, save all your vehicle data, and buy road and bridge fees, all in one place.

untrr site interior scaled 1

Deliver by email or SMS

Once you paid the fee you will instantly be notified both on SMS and email.

Pay by Card or with Payment Order

Quick and safe purchase by Credit Card or Payment Order. You can also save your cards for future fast payments.

Receive expiry notice

For vignettes valid for more than 30 days, the platform alerts you before they expire.

How We Worked

Offered consultancy regarding technical and architectural solution. Implement the project with an internal team of developers, in an Agile way.

Our role in this project was in the first place to offer consultancy and a technical solution to solve the initial challenges. After setting up the architecture and plan, we created a team dedicated to this project in order to deliver a complete solution.

The development team was made of backend developer (PHP, Laravel), 1 frontend developer (Vue JS and Javascript), a QA engineer, the Product Owner and the Scrum Master. In the first stage of the development process, a UI/ UX designer drew all the app screens in collaboration with the Product Owner.

We worked using the Agile methodology, with regular status meetings of the whole team and basic ceremonies for Sprint Planning and Sprint Review. We used Slack for internal communication and Jira as the task and backlog management tool.

Being a large and alive project we offer support as needed.

Business Analysis
Custom Software
Support & Maintenance
Client Review
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