ITU-R appoints Samsung researcher to lead 6G coordination group

Samsung is set to lead the standardization of 6G technologies in collaboration with the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) through 2029.

HyoungJin Choi, a researcher from Samsung Research, has been named the chair of the Coordination Group on IMT-2030 (6G) following the recent ITU-R Working Party 5D (WP 5D) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. This is Choi’s second leadership role in 6G standardization efforts within ITU-R, having previously chaired the 6G Vision Group from 2021 to 2023.

Under Choi’s guidance, the Coordination Group will be responsible for defining the process for developing 6G technology standards. This includes creating the submission template for candidate 6G technologies and reviewing proposals from various stakeholders.

The journey to 6G standardization will be both competitive and collaborative, involving numerous industry players and regulatory bodies. The ITU-R has already set the stage with the release of the IMT-2030 Framework Recommendation in November 2023, which outlines the future direction for 6G technologies.

According to the current timeline, the ITU-R plans to establish the technical performance requirements for 6G technologies by 2026. These requirements will serve as the basis for standards organizations like the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) to develop candidate 6G technologies, which will then be submitted to the ITU-R for evaluation and coordination.

The final technical specifications for 6G are expected to be completed by 2030, marking the end of a decade-long standardization process. With the IMT-2030 Framework Recommendation already providing key performance indicators, usage scenarios, and a roadmap for standardization, spectrum allocation, and commercialization, the industry is now set to engage in more detailed standardization efforts.

Throughout this process, countries and companies will vie for leadership in setting 6G communications standards, including performance requirements and frequency bands. Samsung’s active participation underscores its commitment to maintaining its position as a global leader in telecommunications innovation.

“Samsung will actively engage with influential standards organizations and continue developing innovative communications technologies en route to reinforcing its position as a global leader in 6G standardization,” the company stated.

Samsung’s initiative highlights the growing significance of 6G technology in the telecommunications landscape. While 5G networks are still being deployed broadly, forward-thinking companies are already preparing for the next generation of wireless communication.

6G is anticipated to bring significant advancements in network capacity, latency, and connectivity. These improvements could enable transformative applications in areas such as augmented reality, holographic communications, and autonomous systems.


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