How Was 2023 For Control F5 And What Do We Want From 2024?

We often talk about the projects we develop, about our clients, or about the technologies we use. Sometimes we even give you business recommendations on how you can improve the way you use technology. But today it’s our turn to give you the latest news about us, what we did in 2023 and what we plan for 2024. We are very proud of what we have achieved and hope that 2024 will be an even better year because we have very ambitious goals.

In 2023 we had many goals that we managed to exceed. 

We closed 2023 with a 36% turnover increase compared to 2022 and we expanded internationally. Thus, we succeeded in making our first step in the Netherlands where we started working with a retail company for whom we have created a new back-office solution. This year we will continue to develop new features on front-end solutions.

A project we are very proud of is the launch of Investimental’s, a Romanian brokerage platform, a project we have been working on since 2022 and for which we will develop many new features in 2024.

Another goal was to have a multinational company in our client portfolio and we achieved this by developing a platform for the consulting and auditing company EY. 

Thus, we ended 2023 with seven large clients.

But we have been able to deliver all these projects because we have increased our team from 15 to 20 people and hope to continue this trend. 

All in all, it was not a difficult year, but it was an atypical one, in which many projects came to fruition at the end of the year and in which we often went against the tide. Because, yes, in 2023 we have often heard about restructuring, frozen budgets, and declining sales, but we have had a lot of projects materializing from 2022.

Our Goals For 2024

If we look at what’s coming up in 2024, things seem to be getting a bit more difficult, but we are confident about the quality of our services and confident that we will continue to grow.

Our targets are to increase our turnover by 30%, and to grow even more internationally. We are looking to partner with two new key strategic clients, to offer our digital product-building expertise.

Among the products we are already working on are the launch of a very interesting project in the media sector and two new products: one in the events industry and the other one in the travel business, for our well-known partner, Travel Planner. And of course, as I mentioned before, we are working on new interesting features with Investimental.

I think this year will still be a lot of excitement in the AI area. Also, outsourcing, the business in which we are present, will continue to be a very good alternative for companies that want to digitise or develop software solutions and also need competitive costs.

The main challenge I expect will be in scaling and keeping a good and healthy organizational culture as we grow regarding the number of people and more and more layers appear in the management.

Somehow, in the end, it’s all about people. Because if the people inside the organization feel good and are motivated, we can go through periods of growth as well as periods that can be more difficult.

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