South Korea’s AI textbook program faces skepticism from parents

Some parents are expressing concerns about the South Korean government’s plans to introduce AI-powered tablets into classrooms, as reported by The Financial Times.

These tablets are set to be rolled out next year, with a goal of having teachers use AI-enhanced textbooks for nearly all subjects, except for music, art, physical education, and ethics, by 2028. Although the government has not provided extensive details on the implementation, it has indicated that the content will be tailored to individual learning speeds, with teachers utilizing dashboards to track student progress.

In response to these plans, over 50,000 parents have signed a petition urging the government to prioritize their children’s overall well-being over the adoption of new technology: “As parents, we are already facing numerous challenges related to [our children’s] increased exposure to digital devices.”

Lee Sun-youn, a mother of two, expressed her concerns to the FT, stating, “I worry that excessive use of digital devices could harm their brain development, attention span, and problem-solving abilities — they are already spending too much time on smartphones and tablets.”


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