UK’s first ‘teacherless’ AI classroom set to open in London

A private school in London is set to launch the UK’s first classroom where artificial intelligence, rather than human teachers, leads the instruction. Proponents believe this technology offers highly personalized learning experiences, while critics warn it could lead to a “soulless and bleak” future for education.

David Game College will introduce this AI-driven course in September, enrolling 20 students preparing for their GCSE exams. These students will use a combination of AI platforms on computers and virtual reality headsets to facilitate their learning.

The AI platforms assess each student’s strengths and weaknesses, adjusting lesson plans accordingly. Topics where a student excels are deferred for later in the term to allow for revision, while areas needing improvement are addressed immediately. Each lesson plan is fully customized to the individual student’s needs.

John Dalton, co-principal of the school, explained: “There are many great teachers, but we all have our limitations. Achieving the precision and ongoing assessment that AI offers is challenging for a human.” He added that AI can more accurately identify why a student might be struggling with a particular topic.

The course comes with a price tag of around £27,000 per year. One student, Joseph, who has been using the system, shared his thoughts: “A teacher has so many students that it’s hard for them to know your specific weaknesses, but AI identifies them and helps you improve.”

Despite the reliance on AI, students won’t be left entirely on their own. Three “learning coaches” will be present in the classroom to manage behavior and provide assistance. They will also cover subjects that AI currently struggles with, such as art and sex education.


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